Understanding UARK Accounts

Your UARK account allows you to securely access university email, campus Wi-Fi, Blackboard, UAConnect, OneDrive, Microsoft 365, and other university services.

Activating account | Passwords | UARK Account Types | Affiliate accounts | RSO accounts | Shared mailboxes | Troubleshooting

Activating a UARK account

Activate a new UARK account by verifying your University ID number and date of birth. Your University ID number is provided on your admissions packet or from your department's leave administrator.

Multi-factor authentication is a verification method that is required for all UARK accounts. You must provide a current number for a phone you have with you at all times to keep your account secure.


Go to account.uark.edu, and click Manage Password and Settings to update your UARK account security settings or change your password.

UARK account password requirements

It is a violation of the Code of Computing Practices to share your UARK password with anyone for any reason.

UARK Account Types

Faculty and staff can request a secondary UARK account as a departmental, service (for automated services), sponsored, or personal secondary account. Email may be requested for the account.

To request an email mailbox for an existing secondary account, use the Secondary Account request form, and specify your request in the Comments field.

Owners of secondary accounts can change the account password in Password Manager under Manage Departmental Accounts. Only the owner can change the password. If the account is for an RSO, the owner of the account will be the Office of Student Activities (OSA) Office Manager.

Affiliate accounts for non-employees

Affiliate accounts can be granted to those not employed by the university or enrolled as students who have a legitimate need to access university resources. Affiliate accounts can access campus Wi-Fi, Workday, email and other online services. Most affiliations are short-term and end within a year. See our article on Affiliate accounts for more information.

RSO Accounts

Contact the Office of Student Activities for information regarding accounts for RSOs.

Contact Rosa Floyd for password changes for RSO UARK accounts.

Shared mailboxes

Departmental accounts like "help@uark.edu" can be converted or created as shared mailboxes to allow your office to send and receive email using a single account.

Request to set up a shared mailbox for your departmental account.


Trouble logging in?
If you are having trouble logging into any University of Arkansas online services, try changing your password.

Account Blocked?
Follow the instructions on how to get back into your locked account.

Leaving the University?
See information on account expiration.

Students do not need access to their UARK account to request a transcript after graduation.

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Fri 1/26/24 10:25 PM
Mon 8/12/24 6:29 PM

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Affiliate accounts can be granted to those not employed by the university or enrolled as students who have a legitimate need to access university resources. Affiliate accounts can access campus Wi-Fi, Workday, email and other online services. Most affiliations are short-term and end within a year.
If you are getting an "Account Blocked" message when logging into your UARK account, your account or device could be compromised.
When you leave the university, your UARK account will be deleted and you will no longer be able to access UAConnect, Blackboard Learn, campus Wi-Fi, computer labs, Office 365 or other university services. All email, personal websites and saved files will be purged. University-licensed software must be removed from your personal devices.
Information on UARK password requirements, changing your password, and forgotten passwords.
A secure password is important for protecting your account and the university's data. To update your primary UARK account password, go to account.uark.edu.

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