Instructions for writing knowledge base articles and service descriptions, as well as style guides and word usage information.

Categories (1)

Documentation Guidelines

Glossaries, writing and style guides, usage guides, copyright information

Articles (6)

Using the TeamDynamix editor to create accessible knowledge base articles and service descriptions

The guidance in these documents concerns using correct grammar and punctuation, ensuring ADA compliance, and keeping a consistent style in TeamDynamix (TDX) knowledge base articles and service descriptions to ensure university brand integrity. Follow the guidance on headings, images, links, videos, and PDFs to maintain compliance in knowledge articles and service descriptions that you create or edit.

Relating TeamDynamix articles and services

Use Related Articles and Related Services to display links to related articles and services on the right side of the article or service, and select to display a service request button in the article.

Internal and Archived Articles

To help ensure that archived and internal articles are not used in tickets, their titles should have the appropriate prefix at the beginning.

Knowledge Base Categories

TeamDynamix knowledge base articles and services are organized into categories with subcategories. The categories have been set up according to Educause Categories.

Create a table of contents in an article

If an article has multiple sections, it will benefit from a table of contents.

Knowledge Base Training by TeamDynamix

Knowledge base articles by TeamDynamix