Mathematics and statistical software, including SAS, SPSS, and MatLab, is available to faculty and students.

Articles (10)

Accessing SPSS

SPSS software provides a range of capabilities for data management, statistical analysis, and reporting.

Requesting SYSTAT

SYSTAT is statistical analysis and graphics software with a suite of statistical functions and the capability for 2D and 3D charts and graphs.

Accessing SAS e-Learning Tutorials

Faculty and students can access SAS e-Learning materials after requesting or purchasing a licensed copy of SAS from the University of Arkansas.

Getting Started with SAS

SAS is an integrated system of statistical software for Windows providing data management; reports and graphics; statistical and mathematical analysis; business forecasting and decision support; operations research and project management; and applications development. SAS is available by site license and in Tech Spot labs.

Getting Started with MATLAB

MATLAB by MathWorks is a programming and numeric computing platform used to analyze data, develop algorithms, and create models. Students, faculty and staff can download and activate MATLAB free of charge.

Requesting Amos Structural Equation Modeling Software

Amos is structural equation modeling software.

Requesting JMP Statistical Software

JMP is desktop statistical discovery software used for exploring and analyzing data.

Requesting SigmaPlot

SigmaPlot is a graphing program that includes SYSTAT.

Requesting JMP Genomics

JMP Genomics is available to faculty, staff, and students at no cost.

Requesting Mathematica Software

Mathematica provides automation in algorithmic computation, interactive manipulation and dynamic presentation for use in scientific, engineering, technical computing, and mathematical fields.