Understanding ticket statuses

Audience: Staff, Technicians

Responsible Group: TeamDynamix Admins


A ticket status is an attribute that is searchable and reportable. Any user with the Technician security role will have the ability to change the status on a ticket. There are five different classes of statuses: New, In Process, On Hold, Cancelled, and Completed. The University of Arkansas has expanded on these default classes to create statuses that help technicians quickly identify where in the process a ticket is at. 

Because a ticket status cannot be deleted once created, additional statuses are not created upon request. 

Ticket status definitions


Status Name Status Class Definition and Automation
New New Ticket is created and may automatically be assigned to a group. Automatic status when a Client creates a ticket. 
Assigned In Process Ticket is reviewed and responsibility is set to a technician (a group or individual).
In Process In Process Ticket work is begun.
Reopened In Process Automatic Status when a ticket is reopened within three days of the ticket status set to "Resolved". 
Awaiting User Info On Hold Ticket work is on hold, while the Technician is awaiting additional information to continue work on ticket request.
On Hold On Hold Ticket work is on hold and work may continue later. 
Resolved Completed Ticket work/request is resolved and the Technician is awaiting confirmation of ticket resolution from the Requestor
Closed Completed Ticket work/request is completed. Automatic status when three days have passed after the ticket status is set to "Resolved". 
Cancelled Cancelled Ticket is withdrawn by the Requestor; only the Requestor can withdraw ticket.

Related service or knowledge base

  • Knowledge Base: How to create a ticket (coming soon)
  • Knowledge Base: How to search for a ticket in the Users Portal(coming soon)
  • Knowledge Base: How to search for a ticket in the Client Portal (coming soon)
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Article ID: 434
Mon 3/18/24 3:23 PM
Thu 5/2/24 1:29 PM