When you leave the university, your UARK account will be deleted and you will no longer be able to access UAConnect, Blackboard Learn, campus Wi-Fi, computer labs, Office 365, or other university services. All email, personal websites, and saved files will be purged, and university-licensed software must be removed from your personal devices.
Student UARK Accounts | Request Extension | Faculty/Staff UARK Accounts | Transfer Departmental Account | Retiree/Emeritus | Back up Files | Back up Email | Request access to another mailbox or OneDrive
Note: If you end your employment at the university, but are still a student, or if you are no longer a student, but still employed at the university, you will retain your UARK account.
Note: If you are both a student and an employee at the university, your student status will override your faculty or staff status.
Student UARK accounts
A student's UARK account is active for two years after the end of the last term for which they were enrolled and attending classes, and during this time, they are considered a previous student affiliate. For example, if a student leaves in the fall semester, they can access their account until the end of the fall semester two years later.
After two years, the account will be locked. Thirty days after the account is locked, the account will be purged. When the account is purged, all emails and files saved to university cloud services will be deleted and unrecoverable.
If a student has a payment balance after the end of their student affiliation, they become Treasurer Office affiliates so that the former student can access UAConnect to make payments. The account will not be able to access other services. After the balance is paid, and there are no other university affiliations, the account will be subject to the 70-day expiration and will receive notifications before expiration.
This does not apply to graduates who continue to enroll each semester. As long as the user starts as a student and are associated with the university, they will maintain the student role in UAConnect.
Request a student UARK account extension
If a student needs to keep a UARK account active for research or other university related academic activities, they will need to be sponsored as an academic affiliate through the Dean's Office of their academic department or reapply to the university.
Faculty and staff UARK accounts
When a faculty or staff member's employment ends, the account is purged on the date provided by the employee's supervisor. If the supervisor does not provide a purge date, former faculty and staff will receive notification of account expiration emails 30 and 45 days after the end date of their employment. The account will be locked after 50 days and purged 30 days later. When an account is purged from the system, all email, personal websites, and saved files will no longer be recoverable. Anyone who is still affiliated with a university department in some way can contact their former department’s Leave Administrator (HR representative) and request to be set as an affiliate in their system.
Transfer departmental accounts
Ownership of departmental email and phone accounts must be transferred before the previous owner leaves the university. All accounts, including all secondary accounts, will be expired and purged when the primary account of the owner is expired and purged. To transfer ownership of an account, use the Account Request form, and select to Transfer Account under Type of Account Service.
Retiree accounts are given to retired staff and faculty, typically the former primary account; all elevated privileges and group memberships are removed unless an exemption is granted. Emeritus accounts are granted to individuals who have been awarded Emeritus status by the Board of Trustees.
Retiree and emeritus accounts retain Outlook access and web versions of Office365.
Retirees and Emeritus users can contact Human Resources to determine eligibility for maintaining a UARK account.
Back up your files
After your UARK account is closed, you will no longer have access to your University of Arkansas OneDrive or Box. IT Services recommends backing up your files by saving them to your computer or a personal file storage account.
Make sure to transfer ownership of any work files.
If a collaborator who has shared files with you leaves the university and you can no longer access the files, contact other known collaborators to see if they can reconnect you with the files. If you are still unable to access the files, submit a ticket to the IT Services Help Desk to retrieve work files owned by a user who is no longer with the university.
Download your files from OneDrive.
See our Box article for information about your account when leaving the university.
Back up your email
Set up email forwarding to an external account well in advance of your account being deleted, and instruct your contacts to email your non-UARK address. When your UARK account is deleted, the email forward will no longer work.
Migrating UARK emails to another email account