You can use a compatible headset with your laptop, desktop computer, and/or phone or other mobile device when attending meetings and to make and receive phone calls (instead of using a desk phone) using Microsoft Teams.
Check voicemail from a desk phone or Teams, and set up a personalized greeting.
Scammers use various methods to trick people into picking up their calls and acquiring their valuable personal information. Call spoofing is when a scammer disguises themselves as a trusted or local number to gain access to sensitive information.
New employees should request a phone number. A departmental phone account is designated with a departmental phone number and can be managed by one or more employees. This service is useful for front office reception, student/hourly/temp employees, and graduate assistants.
University faculty and staff can use SharePoint Online to manage projects, build collaboration portals, post and manage lists, files, and documents, share calendars, and access online forums and shared resources.