Finding Research Tools and Resources


Technology plays a pivotal role in the creation of new knowledge and creative activities. The University of Arkansas is committed to supporting researchers by providing the following tools and resources to aid in their pursuit of academic discovery.


Technology plays a pivotal role in the creation of new knowledge and creative activities. The University of Arkansas is committed to supporting researchers by providing the following tools and resources to aid in their pursuit of academic discovery.

Research Computing

Research Data

  • Data Carpentry provides training on discipline-specific data types with particular concentrations in ecology, genomics, geospatial data and social science.
  • Gartner provides objective IT-related research and insights on tools, trends and topics of interest to enterprise scale organizations.
  • University Libraries: Research Guides Data Services contains information about data management plans, data curation, data sources and other data topics.
  • Qualtrics is the university's official online survey tool.

Collaboration Tools

  • Eduroam provides secure wireless access to visitors from participating institutions and makes wireless access available to UARK users when traveling to participating institutions.
  • UARK Central Login allows researchers to access applications at other member institutions using a UARK username and password as part of the university's membership in the InCommon Federation, operated by Internet2. Currently, University of Arkansas users can access using UARK Central Login. 
  • Online conferencing allows researchers to initiate, conduct or participate in one-to-one or one-to-many online conferences using Microsoft Teams, Blackboard Collaborate, or Zoom. 

Research Support and Consulting


  • HPC University (HPCU) is a virtual organization whose primary goal is to provide a cohesive, persistent and sustainable online environment to share educational and training materials for a continuum of high performance computing (HPC) environments that span desktop computing capabilities to the highest-end of computing facilities offered by HPC centers.
  • Software Carpentry teaches researchers in science, engineering, medicine and related disciplines the computing skills they need to get more done in less time and with less pain.



Article ID: 235
Mon 2/19/24 11:24 PM
Mon 3/18/24 3:05 PM