Data Center Operational Guidelines

Tags Policy

Access to Facilities

Only authorized personnel are allowed access to data center facilities. The Operations team maintains an Authorized Access List with those who can enter the data center. A photo ID may be required to assure identity. Any changes to the Authorized Access List must be submitted to the data center manager (

Authorized entrants should have the following information on file:

  • Phone number(s)
  • Email address(es)
  • Current photo
  • Campus department affiliation

Visitor or Vendor Entry

  • Upon entering, all visitors and vendors not on the Authorized Access List are required to check in with the Operations staff on duty and sign into the visitor’s log. You are only required to sign-out when work is completed for the day.
  • A guest (authorized guest/escorted guest) user is required to sign the guest log. All guests must be escorted by someone on the Authorized Access List or a member of Operations staff.
  • Authorized guests such as vendors, maintenance staff, etc., must be sponsored by someone on the Authorized Access List.
  • Irregular guests must have pre-approval for entry by an authorized user. They must also sign in and put the access sponsor's name on the sign in sheet.

Door Access

  • Staff with authorized access are required to use main data center entry doors only. The north ADSB-DC entry door is required at all times for staff entry.
  • The west doors are to be used only for ingress and egress of equipment or deliveries.
  • Use of all other entrances to the data center will be considered unauthorized access, unless pre-approved by data center staff.


  • For the safety of all those inside the data center, instructions from data center staff must be followed at all times. You are obligated to follow the data center guidelines in this document and any supplemental instructions issued by data center staff.
  • Avoid hazardous situations. Do not operate any equipment that may constitute a safety hazard. If in doubt, please consult the Operations staff.
  • In the event of any fire alarms, exit the building immediately.

Condition of Facilities

  • Keep the premises clean. Do not leave any materials such as tie-wraps, bolts, cage nuts, cable binders, packing materials and cardboard inside the data center.
  • Packing materials, cardboard and other paper materials must be stored outside of the data center.
  • All project materials must be removed from the space within five business days of entry. Any exceptions or long-term storage must be approved by Operations staff, and a removal date must be registered and approved.
  • There are no open storage areas available. All tools and parts must be removed or stored in approved enclosed cabinets in the data center. Approved storage cabinets must be labeled with the team name, departmental unit or other responsible party.
  • All authorized users are required to provide advanced notice to data center staff when deliveries to the ADSB data enter are expected. Please provide the ultimate location of the equipment. The data center staff will make a best effort to ensure deliveries are accepted but secure storage space may not be available at the time of the delivery.
  • The user is responsible for appropriating all delivered equipment to the assigned areas of the data center. Equipment left in other areas of the data center are subject to removal by data center staff, unless other arrangements are made.

Operating Within the Facility

  • Users must inform data center staff before removing raised floor tiles so that the fire-suppression system can be disabled. After the work is finished, it’s the user’s responsibility to inform the data center staff.
  • Any activity causing dust or smoke is prohibited.
  • Do not touch any equipment that you are not authorized to access. This includes racks, PDUs, monitors, keyboards, etc.
  • No food or drinks are allowed in the data center.
  • You are welcome to lock your rack, but a key must be provided to data center staff for emergency purposes.
  • You have no expectation of privacy when entering the data center. There are multiple surveillance cameras spread throughout the data center, and all information is electronically stored.

Auditing of Standards

  • It’s the responsibility of the authorized user to adhere to all standards in this document. The data center facilities manager and Operations staff may conduct periodic reviews of authorized user’s equipment and spaces to ensure compliance.
  • Data center staff will audit every 3 months to determine adherence to standards.

Changes in Specifications for Rack Needs

Any changes in the needs for power, cooling and network should be forwarded to the data center manager (

Standards for Operator Intervention with Authorized Systems

Data center staff may interact with installed user systems in order to address or prevent a hazard.

In extreme conditions, data center staff can interact with user installed systems at the request of the owner in order to power off or reset the equipment. Other data center responsibilities would take precedence over this work. 

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Article ID: 439
Tue 3/19/24 2:07 PM
Tue 5/21/24 5:13 PM

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