Workday Business Process Optimization

Service Overview

The Workday Business Process Optimization form is to recommend a project with User Solutions to either change a business process in Workday or create a new business process not currently in Workday. Your recommendation may be reviewed by institutional leadership for strategic alignment and prioritization.

In the form, select Change Business Process for adjusting an existing business process in Workday; this includes modifying current workflows, updating existing functionalities, or any alterations to optimize your processes. Alternatively, select New Business Process for creating a completely new business process not currently in Workday; this is for establishing new workflows or functionalities outside the current scope of Workday.

Next Steps

When you submit the request, it will be treated as a formal project request and will undergo a comprehensive review process:

  1. Initial Review: Your request will be reviewed by the User Solutions team.
  2. Discovery Call: A discovery call will be scheduled with you and a member of User Solutions to gather more detailed information and discuss potential next steps for leadership review.

For your request to move forward as an active project, it may be reviewed by University leadership at multiple levels (including directors, functional teams, and vice-chancellors) to prioritize it among existing projects and ensure alignment with strategic goals.

As the project requestor, you will have an integral role throughout the project life cycle. Your responsibilities may include requirements gathering, business process mapping, subject matter expertise, testing, and training.

Request Change Business Process Request New Business Process


Service ID: 156
Fri 3/15/24 1:30 PM
Tue 5/28/24 9:45 AM

Service Offerings (2)

Change Business Process
Change Business Process
New Business Process
New Business Process