Secure Computing

SSL Certificate Request

To generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and submit it to the IT Services Security Team:

  1. Follow the instructions for your platform or application environment:

    For a complete list of platforms, see the Comodo Knowledge Base: CSR Generation page.

    Note: Ensure your CSR is created with a 2048-bit or larger public key.

  2. When prompted, provide the following information:
    • Country: US
    • State: Arkansas
    • Locality Name: Fayetteville (or city where system is located)
    • Organization Name: University of Arkansas
    • Organizational Unit Name: Name of unit requesting certificate
    • Common Name: Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of host 
    • Email Address: leave blank
    • Challenge Password: leave blank
    • An Optional Company Name: leave blank

      Note: Your CSR will be generated on your local file system (usually in the Downloads folder).
  3. Request a certificate, and open up the CSR with a text editor such as notepad to copy and paste it into the ticket.
1Password Request Request Certificate Web Application Firewall (WAF) Support

Service Offerings (3)

Request access, or a new vault, or anything else related to 1Password.
Certificate Requests
Certificate Requests
Web Application Firewall (WAF) Support
Support for 403 errors involving the Web Application Firewall on various systems hosted by UITS