Create a ticket


How to create a ticket on the UARK Help Portal


There are several ways to report an issue using the UARK Help Portal. This article is how to create a general ticket to request support or service that is routed to the ITS Help Desk.

Choosing incident ticket or service request ticket

When on the the UARK Help Portal homepage, there are two general tickets types to select. 

  1. Request Help - creates a general incident ticket. An incident ticket is used for when something is broken, not working correctly. It's a one-time event that requires fixing.
  2. Request Service - creates a general service request ticket. A service request is used for when asking for support, such as access to software, new website or account, creating a shared mailbox. It is a request that requires initial and continual support.

How to create a ticket

  1. From the UARK Help Portal, click either the "Request Help" or "Request Service" blocks. 
  2. If not signed it, it will prompt you to sign in. 
  3. Once logged in, complete the form. Note: If you know who the ticket should be routed to, add it to the description.  
  4. After submission, your form will be routed to the IT Help Desk and can be managed from the main navigation menu Services > Ticket Requests



Article ID: 8
Wed 10/11/23 2:38 PM
Thu 5/2/24 3:34 PM