Copyright Resources


Laws and alternatives to illegal file sharing


Alternatives to Illegal File Sharing

There are legal and inexpensive alternatives to using programs such as BitTorrent. Some companies offer affordable options which allow anyone to buy and stream or download music, TV shows and movies legally.

Visit EDUCAUSE's Legal Sources of Online Content page for more download and online viewing options.


U.S. Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. § 101 - 810
Full text and searchable. The Copyright Law as amended in 1994 including the Semiconductor Chip Protection Act of 1984 and the Audio Home Recording Act of 1992. (Cornell U)

U.S. Copyright Office
Copyright fundamentals, full-text versions of Copyright Office Circulars, and copyright registration services. (Library of Congress)

Copyright & Fair Use
Stanford University Libraries, FindLaw and the Council on Library Resources have collected a wide variety of copyright materials including Primary Source Materials; Current Legislation, Cases and Issues; Resources on the Internet; and an Overview of Copyright Law.

Copyright Clearance Center
CCC is a not-for-profit organization providing collective copyright licensing services. They help organizations of all sizes and across all business lines comply with the U.S. copyright law, ease permissions burdens and consolidate payments for rightsholders.



Article ID: 442
Tue 3/19/24 11:23 PM
Tue 7/23/24 12:20 PM